Sunday, March 04, 2007

Our Farm

What a day! January 30, 2007 we sold our home of 15 years, purchased 18 acres on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, it was Daniels 5th birthday and we broke ground. We were scheduled to close these properties on the 29th but it was obviously not in our cards. It was a let go and let God day!

We call the farm "Our Farm". From the beginning this is what we called the property and the name has stuck with us. I have some esoteric names I am playing with but that is another time and another blog.

Over Grown Fence Row

When we purchased our farm approximately 14 acres were actively farmed in soybeans. The remainder of the farm is wooded. The property is divided by a wooded fence row overgrown with vines and bramble. Our home will be nestled in this fence row taking care to preserve the surrounding trees. The front half of the property will be fenced and seeded in pasture. The back half of the property will be orchard, gardens and meadow. Approximately 2 acres of this area will be planted in Blue Grass and White Clover for those bare-toe days.

Our Farm is located on the Eastern Bay. The sandy beach and drift wood are a magical place to walk or just sit. Much of the beach is covered with beautiful driftwood which also indicates our severe erosion problem. It was calculated that we are loosing 2 feet of shoreline per year. We will design plans and obtain permits to preserve, protect and enhance the shoreline and its habitat. In spring of 2006 Jonathan found a baby Diamondback Terrapin Turtle on our beach. We will maintain and enhance the habitat for the turtles, hoping to have more in the future.

Front field and future pasture

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